STOREDB:STUDY1183 Assumptions, models, and methodology for the development of nuclear energy in EU, on the next two decades [DOI:10.20348/STOREDB/1183]

Study meta-data

CREATEDON2023-11-24 11:22:27
MODIFIEDON2024-01-11 09:54:36
UPLOADERNadja Zeleznik

Study details

Assumptions, models, and methodology for the development of nuclear energy in EU, on the next two decades
Published: Open access to everyone
CC-Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
09-19-00 - Policy development study
The ECOSENS project includes an assessment of the sustainability performance of nuclear electric power generation for the entire life cycle considering the current development of nuclear technologies. Evolutions of the energy market in the transition toward climate neutrality are also investigated in order to discuss the role of the nuclear power in the medium and long term.
The current deliverable is devoted to methodological development. Starting with mapping of the existing sustainability assessment methodologies, a comparative analysis was performed with the involvement of experts and stakeholders. Three candidate methodologies were pre-selected for the analysis: NESA-IAEA (Nuclear Energy System Assessment), KIND-IAEA (Key Indicators for Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems), and LCA/LCIA-JRC (Life Cycle Analysis/ Life Cycle Impact Assessment). With input from expert and non-specialist stakeholders the most valuable elements of the three methodologies were identified and a proposal for a new methodology was created. The proposed combination methodology approaches the three pillars of sustainability (economic development, social development, environmental protection) through Entire Life Cycle Assessment. Its ambition is to be, as much as possible, applicable for all carbon-free electricity generation technologies.
While ECOSENS project was funded under a Euratom program and applies its resources to detailing an assessment of nuclear energy share and performance, the investigation of the possible roles of nuclear in the energy market over the medium and long term requires understanding and some predictions of the evolution of all energy technologies (especially renewables). This broadened perspective furthermore allows the expression of diverse stakeholder preferences.
The deliverable is structured in four parts plus annexes: (1) assumptions in the short term (discussing the quite predictable elements influencing energy demand such as demographics, GDP, standard of living, level of electrification, etc.), (2) models (presenting the current models of predicting the energy market evolution and the associated tools), (3) methodology (presenting the analysis of current sustainability assessment methodologies and the development of a suitable methodology for the purpose of the project), (4) considerations on the short-term development of nuclear power technology applications in Europe. A large separate section (Annexes) describes the indicators and sub-indicators selected for the ECOSENS methodology. Sixty-one detailed fiches present the main data and considerations resulting from a systematic analysis of official documents, scientific reports, research papers, and databases. This significant fund of information compiled in standardized form will furnish the basis for conducting the ECOSENS quantified life cycle assessment of nuclear power.
The report is intended to support the participation of stakeholders, who may have limited knowledge on the energy sector, in carrying forth the pluralistic discussion of assessment results.

STOREDB:DATASET1270 Assumptions, models, and methodology for the development of nuclear energy in EU, on the next two decades [DOI:10.20348/STOREDB/1183/1270]

Created on:2023-11-24 11:23:20
Modified On:2023-11-24 11:31:27
Assumptions, models, and methodology for the development of nuclear energy in EU, on the next two decades
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